7月20日(土) に開催されるCoderDojoつくばの参加者を募集します!Please join our next CoderDojo session on Saturday, July 20th!
■日時 2019年7月20日(土)9:30-11:30(受付:9:15)
Date: Saturday, July 20 9:30 – 11:30 (open at 9:15)
■場所 つくばイノベーションプラザ中会議室
Location: Tsukuba Innovation Plaza Medium Conference Room
■内容 Contents
Participants will develop their skills by learning from each other, sharing ideas and present their own projects. The mentors will help new participants learn how to use basic tools such as “Scratch”.
This time, we will hold a “disassembly workshop” for the applicants. This is a workshop for disassembling game consoles and PCs and searching for the CPU (heart at which computer programs run). Through this workshop, you will learn how the computer works. We will prepare gloves, goggles and masks, but in the event of injury measures, participants will be required to enroll in recreation insurance (free of charge), so please enter gender and date of birth when applying. The kids who are new to programming are welcome. How about participating for your research assignments on summer vacation?
■参加条件 Requirements
○子どもたち(ニンジャ)Kids (Ninja!)
小学校3年〜中学校3年生(ちゃんと座って2時間、集中できれば小学校1年生でも可)Grade 3-9 (The 1st and 2nd graders are welcome if they can enjoy the 2-hour session)
Everyone who is interested in working with “Ninjas” through programming and having fun!
■参加方法 How to join
○子どもたち Kids (Ninjas)
Capacity 15 people (first-come-first-served basis)
○ボランティアスタッフ (Mentors)
CoderDojoTsukuba@gmail.com までメールを下さい。Please email us if you are interested in helping and collaborating with the Ninjas.
不明点があれば、CoderDojoTsukuba@gmail.com までお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。見学・取材も大歓迎です。
Please let us know if you have any questions at CoderDojoTsukuba@gmail.com.
Visits and media interviews are also welcome.